Monday, 27 October 2008
Friday, 24 October 2008
My Card Came today!!
...Still upset that the engineer couldn't warn me that the ATM wasn't working BEFORE I used it!!
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Last year when my gran died, the status on my MSN read something like "Mama RIP", to which someone who I hardly speak to replied, "so what your mum died!?"
Now at the time I just replied no, although it did kind of throw me a little, but thinking about it now, even if it were the case, is that the most appropriate way to ask somebody!? Personally I don't think it is, what do you guys think?
....I'll be back after this short intermission!
Monday, 20 October 2008
No electricity!
Friday, 10 October 2008
RIP Daniel De-Gale
Beverley De-Gale and Orin Lewis of the ACLT regret to announce the death on Wednesday 8th October 2008, of their son Daniel De-Gale, aged 21 (born 14th March 1987).
Daniel a former Leukaemia sufferer who was diagnosed with the condition in April 1993 won his battle against Leukaemia when on 16th June 1999 at the age of 12 he received a bone marrow transplant at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Daniel was in remission but however, due to complications with his health that led to multiple organ failure he died in hospital surrounded by his family.
Beverley says: “We are very grateful for all the love, support, kindness, generosity, dedications and concern that you all have shown for our beautiful son. However, we ask that you please do not send us any flowers but instead continue to support the charity as this is what Daniel would have wanted, so that we can keep helping to give others the gift of life.”
The ACLT was set up 12 years ago to encourage ethnic minorities and those from mixed race communities to register as bone marrow donors as there are worryingly less than 3% of potential ethnic minority donors on the UK Bone Marrow Register, despite the prevalence of leukaemia amongst these groups. In real life terms the odds of finding a bone marrow match are a staggering 1 in 100,000 if you’re black or mixed race compared to about 1 in 5 if you’re white, underlying the overwhelming odds faced by those in the UK suffering from leukaemia.
Colin Salmon, patron for the charity and family friend commented: “This beautiful boy inspired so many of us and we will continue to illuminate the path, with his light, so others may be guided to safety. In this life there are those sent to us to manifest wisdom, action and bring joy, Daniel was one of those spirits. The pain we are all feeling right now reflects the love he generated in so many of us. Not a love of celebrity, or fame but a love of life and ultimately this gift of life we have all been given. Beautiful Daniel De-Gale, it has been an honour and the purest of pleasures to know you and call you a friend. Peace.”
However if you would really like to support the charity and Daniel's wishes please consider attending our next registration drive the details are as follows:
Satuday 18th October 2008
Time 11.00am - 4.30pm
Barclays Bank Edgware
126 Station Road
EdgwareHA8 7RY
Recruiting bone marrow donors between 18 – 49 years (staying on the register until 60th birthday)
a small blood sample will be taken from each person registering.
- Recruiting new blood donors between 17- 60 years
- You must weigh at least 8st (52kgs)
Please come along to one of the Presentations so that we can completely blow away your fears, misconceptions and the overall ignorance of a very simple donation process which could potentially save a life!
Daniel De- Gale 14th March 1987 - 8th October 2008
Thursday, 9 October 2008
I'm going to pop down to Harrods tomorrow and see if they have any in stock, although I'm not holding my breath!
Girl About Town is apart of the MAC permanent line, but it just would have been nice to have had the colourfull packaging!! Ah well!!! I had a week and I didn't act soon enough, it's my own fault I guess!!
...I'll be back after this sgort intermission!! (",)
I just couldn't sleep...
So I tried to pay for my order again and it went through *yippee!!! Jumps around room, doing the new makeup dance! LMAO* I'm SO excited to get everything now, it's gonna be a HUGE haul that's for sure
...Anyway I'm off to bed now, it's almost 2AM in the morning and I'm tired and have an early start in the morning!
...I'll be back after this short intermission with news on my addiction! (",)
.....My debit card that is!!! (and yes there is enough money on it! I don't live outside my means!) I just tried to pay for an order online (no prizes for guessng what site. It's quite obvious where tho! - but for those who don't know, the answer is MAC!! But it's not my fault, I'm addicted! *eeekk!!*) - It's almost as if my cosmetics addiction chooses to ignore the fact that we are going through a credit crunch! LOL!!
I shall try again tomorrow morning as I want the new Manish Arora collection; I was going to only get a few things after going to see them, but it's only at Harrods and I won't have time to go up there to see them in person, therefore I figure rather than troll through eBay later and pay more, I might as well get everything, and what I don't like, either sell it or keep it for a swap! - What do you think? If you have anything from the collection or have seen it, what do think of it?
Friday, 3 October 2008
My new obsession is.....
I've always been fascinated with makeup and bought bits here and there (from Boots and Superdrugs mainly), but recently Youtube has gotten me hooked, right, left and centre!! I've spent a great deal of money in the last couple of months on makeup and can't see it ending anytime soon!
I love, love, LOVE the different "looks" people come up with and I just want to try them all.
There's a blush tag going on at the moment (I kinda wish I was tagged, but oh well!!) and it's got me in all sorts of trouble, I'm not a blush person or so I thought, as I just can't seem to find the "right" blush for me! So I've been using my lil' blush from the Boots Natural Collection called Sugar Plum, which I love! But since the tag video, that's gone out the window, I think I've bought like 6 blushes, and also added to my mineralized blush collection (which is still at my dad's! I really should go and pick up my deliveries) not to mention I'm just itching with the chance to go and pick up some NARS blushes! Can anyone say ORGASM! LOL!! The one I'm lusting for the most is MOUNIA, it's like this deep raspberry colour, LOVE it!!!
And I must say that although I still haven't really dipped into my new purchases, my application technique has changed, the way I do my smokey eye (my favourite type of eye) has changed and I most say, it's far more consistent and refined, a lot different from my slap it on, hit and miss technique I had prior!
I'm still contemplating doing my own looks and posting videos on YT, but that might have to wait a while until I've settled into my professional development course. I will be posting EOTD, FOTD, hauls, my makeup collection so far, and generally anything to do with beauty/skincare and hair on my other blogspot which you can find here because this blog is more for my designs (which have taken a lil' back seat, but not forgotten) and general ramblings.
...Anyhoo I hope all is well, and I'll be back after this short intermission (",)
Saturday, 27 September 2008
You snooze you lose!
I guess it wasn't meant to be! I may check on eBay or if I get a chance check in store, I may be lucky! What do you think!? *fingers crossed*
...I'll be back after this short intermission (",)
Friday, 26 September 2008
Intermission Over!
During my LONG intermission I become madly addicted to watching Youtube videos and for a second I was considering making my own, but since reading some of the negative comments people have left on people's channels I've somewhat changed my mind!
If you make videos, what keeps you motivated and how do you deal with the negativity?
...I'll be back after this short intermission (promise) (",)
Monday, 11 August 2008
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Still in shock!!
My thoughts are with his family!
Bernie rest in peace.
Monday, 28 July 2008
High Leg Gladiator Sandals
At first I really didn't like these, but the more I see them the more I'm thinking of getting a pair. I especially like the High Leg style at Urban Outfitters, but not for £70!
Imma do some searching, I dont like them THAT much!
Gym'll fix it!!
I used to go frequently when I was younger, however, the last time I signed up I went all but twice!
I NEED to incorporate more exercise into my life, weighing myself this morning confirmed that! I did NOT like the numbers staring back up at me!
Plus I don't actually mind going to the gym, well at least when I'm motivated!
What to do, what to do!!!
Saturday, 26 July 2008
My Vogue quest is now over!
Most of the pictures I had already seen on the internet so they came as no surprise. Onething I did like about the magazine and I'm not sure if this is a feauture Vogue Italia always has but I liked the go-see section.
I havent scanned any pitures just for the fact there are loads already on the internet, however, I may just add my favs!
...I'll be back after this short intermission! (",)
Friday, 18 July 2008
The Ban stays!
Dwain Chambers has lost his High Court challenge. He will not be representing Great Britain in Beijing for the Olympic Games this year.
I must say I do think the decision is the right one, although, everyone is entitled to second chances, it would have been unfair for him to take part in the Olympics at the expense of another athlete, who truly deserved to be there.
The British Olympic Association has rules and regulations for reasons, and the fact that he challenged the ban in the first place just goes to show his arrogance towards the governing body.
As my mother always says, a cheater never prospers. Dwain let this be a lesson to you!
…I’ll be back after this short intermission! (“,)
LL Cool J - BABY
Can you believe that Mista James Todd Smith is 40!?
The Lord only knows how I wish I was his baby!
...I'll be back after this short intermission! (",)
Should He or Shouldn't He!?
He has the necessary qualifying time for the 100m and won the British trials on Saturday in Birmingham but he is seeking an injunction against his lifetime ban which would mean he could compete at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.
Chambers was given the ban in 2003 by the British Olympic Association after testing positive for the anabolic steroid THG, and even admitted to taking the drug 18 months prior to being caught.
Under the British Olympic Association regulations, this would mean that an athlete (in this case Chambers) forfeits the opportunity to compete at the Olympics once found to be taking performing enhancing drugs. However, Chambers argues that he is being punished for the same offence twice and that the by-law is an unreasonable restraint of trade.
Although he has already served his 2 year ban in which he spent time playing American Football and also rugby, I still personally I think that the ban should hold, after all he openly admitted to taking the drug, and therefore knew the consequences if he were to be found out!
What do you think, should he be given a second chance?
…I’ll be back after this short intermission with the result of the ruling! (“,)
Monday, 14 July 2008
Vogue Italia

Unfortunately I haven’t opened them (I say them because I have two copies! – Yey me!!) and nor do I intend to! LOL As I told Prince S when he asked earlier, they are collectables and so shall be treated with the upmost care and respect!
With that said, I was on the phone earlier this afternoon with a lovely sales adviser from Borders on Oxford Street, trying to find out if I could get hold of another, so I could actually see inside, but he informed that although Borders was doing its best to order in more copies, it’s proving virtually impossible!
So I ask with this being July and with July being apparently a low selling month for magazines (info. Courtesy of Brigitte from Make Fetch Happen), has this been a success for Vogue Italia? Since everywhere I seem to go, they are always sold out!
...I'll be back after this short intermission, with more on my quest for all things Vogue! (",)
Sunday, 13 July 2008
I'm off on a field trip!

The reason I'm going and kinda sorta dragging my favourite Prince S (he hates this nickname, he says I'm trying to be funny and call him princess! Which I am, LOL! But I think it's SO fitting. He's a royal pain in the you know what and also such a drama queen!! LOL) along with me, is because I'm doing the first project from my new favourite book Fashion Design Drawing Course: Principles, Practice and Techniques - The Ultimate Guide for the Aspiring Fashion Artist.
As part of the first project I have to visit a museum and browse until I find an area that inspires me. Make notes and observational sketches covering several interesting subjects. Then select a theme to inspire a small collection of garments that obviously reflects its source, then complete four finished design drawings at home.
...I'll be back after this short intermission with the results of my first project! (",)
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Mother Amongst Many Angels
It came around so quickly, that I still don't think I’ve fully come to terms with it. I can remember the evening we got the news like it was yesterday! – Watching my mum stand in the hallway and then suddenly drop to the floor as her legs give way, is a sight that will live with me forever, and the sound of her crying as you hear a part of her heart rips is something I never want to hear again.
How does one get over such a shock!? They say the pain will ease with time, but it’s been a year and I still feel the same. I loved my grandmum with all my heart and even writing this brings tears to my eyes.
I’ve been thinking for weeks what to write as a tribute, but it almost feels insincere, so I thought it more appropriate to copy what I wrote for the funeral last year as it’s still very much how I feel today.
This is a loving tribute, to a loving grandmother.
No words can truly give justice to express the love that I feel for you nor the loss of your unexpected death. You were truly one in a million, and I want you to know that your love was so remarkable, there is and always will be sunshine around me when I think of you. I am forever thankful to have had you in my life.
Although you are no longer with us in body, your presence and love I shall carry in my heart for eternity.
Much more than a grandmother, you’re an angel heaven sent me. I know I’ll see you again, but for now rest in peace.
The title for this post was the title of my cousin’s tribute for our grandmother and I absolutely loved it as it’s so true.
Mama, I miss you more today, than I did yesterday, but less than I will tomorrow, you will forever be my Mother Amongst Many Angels.
...I'll be back after this short intermission.
Monday, 16 June 2008
It's not quite Pandora's, but it's out of the box!!
Brother LS-2125
But here’s the gotcha! I still haven’t used it! INFACT it went from box to bag! - How sad!? :(
The worst thing is, I bought fabric, I’ve got patterns, I’ve got How To’s, I’ve even got snacks, but I just haven’t sewed anything! I don’t know what’s stopping me, it’s getting to the stage where I’m feeling quite fed up with it all! In my head I’ve made countless pieces which have received ooohhh’s and aaahhh’s! But in reality there’s nothing!
Methinks it’s time to rethink this whole sewing plan, as it’s just simply not happening!
...I'll be back after this short intermission with more details on my new plan! (",)
Friday, 6 June 2008
Makings of a great Fashion Disaster!

Yves Saint Laurent 1936 - 2008
So anyway, I’ve decided to become more proactive in my later years (ok so I exaggerate a little, I'm only 26), and instead of day-dreaming about things I wanna do, I’ve actually done something about it, like buying a sewing machine! – Isn’t that great!? I’ve never used one before, but I’ve got books and a bunch of ideas for designs and ish! However, the actual prospect of using the blasted thing scares me a little! *Where’s Dr. Phil when you need him!*
...I’ll be back after this short intermission with more details on my first sewing date! (“,)