Thursday, 23 October 2008


So I'm sitting on the bus, making my way to work and all of a sudden something someone said to me a while back pops into my head!

Last year when my gran died, the status on my MSN read something like "Mama RIP", to which someone who I hardly speak to replied, "so what your mum died!?"

Now at the time I just replied no, although it did kind of throw me a little, but thinking about it now, even if it were the case, is that the most appropriate way to ask somebody!? Personally I don't think it is, what do you guys think?

....I'll be back after this short intermission!


kayellejaye said...

Yeah...that was pretty rude.

Richie Ranx said...

Are You kiddin me? I would have HOTTED that person RIGHT up.. I mean really? What if you replied... Yeah actually she did.. quite traumatically really.. etc etc